Hi, I’m Jessie! I’m so glad you’ve made it to my blog. You will be seeing a lot of myself and my sister, Carlie, on this blog.

A few things about me so you can know me better: I’ve lived in Tennessee my whole life, enjoy being outside and exploring new places, running is a passion of mine, love all things sports- watching and playing, I’m a big sneaker head, and I’d love to write/share all about my life adventures with you.

A few things about Carlie, so you can know her better: She is currently in medical school and will have DR. in front of her name in May 2023. She is going into Pediatrics and will find out where she matches for residency in March 2023. She also loves anything adventure and is the one behind creating all of our travel itineraries. She also enjoys running and is a great running partner. She will be contributing to the blog at times as well and looks forward to sharing with you all!

A lot of our travel adventures you’ll be seeing will be to National Parks as our current goal is to visit all US National Parks. We have currently visited 14 National Parks, so we have a ways to go.

Check out our get to know me better posts to see random little facts about us.